Fallout new vegas frank horrigan

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The Chosen One finally confronted Frank Horrigan inside the Enclave Oil Rig at the very end of the game, after he killed the Enclave president. It is also assumed he was the one who leads the attack on the Chosen One's home village. In another recording, he kills the sentient Deathclaws of Vault 13.

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Later, he can be seen in a recording where he kills a Brotherhood of Steel soldier who had previously met and helped them. In the game, Frank Horrigan is first seen murdering a family of helpless peasants (including a little boy) while the Chosen One watches in horror. Later, Frank Horrigan was permanently encased in a special suit of robotic power armor designed specifically for him. The Enclave scientists brought him back to their labs to be studied and experimented on and decided to further mutate him into their ultimate killing machine. Horrigan was originally a high-ranking and exceptionally vicious secret service agent working for the Enclave president Dick Richardson, who became a mutant after coming into contact with the F.E.V. He is a specially modified super mutant with cyborg armor who works for the Enclave, the genocidal post-apocalyptic remnants of the United States government. Franklin 'Frank' Horrigan is the secondary antagonist and the final boss in Fallout 2.